Your Prescription Is Ready for Download

A close up of a doctor pointing at a smart phone, heralding the new era of prescription digital therapeutics.


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Bryan Walsh
Bryan Walsh is the former international editor at TIME magazine. He spent several years as a foreign correspondent for TIME in Hong Kong and Tokyo, and also covered climate change and energy for the magazine. He has written cover stories on subjects ranging from psychology to infectious disease to fracking. He is now at work on a book for the publisher Hachette about existential risk, emerging technologies and the end of the world.
How Should Genetic Engineering Shape Our Future?

An artist's rendering of genetic codes.

(© ktsdesign/Fotolia)

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Bryan Walsh
Bryan Walsh is the former international editor at TIME magazine. He spent several years as a foreign correspondent for TIME in Hong Kong and Tokyo, and also covered climate change and energy for the magazine. He has written cover stories on subjects ranging from psychology to infectious disease to fracking. He is now at work on a book for the publisher Hachette about existential risk, emerging technologies and the end of the world.